Stage 3 Colon Cancer Case Study

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Choose an issue of importance to you – the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope – and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing, there will be no result” this impacts my life by inspiring me to always take action in pursuit of my goals in life. My father was diagnosed with stage 3 Colon cancer February of 2011; he fought his cancer through chemotherapy and radiation treatments. On September 19, 2012 he had the cancerous mass surgically removed. My dad has been in remission since his surgery for a total of 2 …show more content…

Though focusing on academics is a good mentality to have in life, as a human we always strive for affection. I grew to miss hanging out with my friends and having long conversations contemplating life and its mysteries. One of my best friends pulled me out of that dreary mentality by a simple comment at the beginning of my freshman year. Jimmie Arbogast told me when passing in the hallways, “Join the Speech, Theatre and Debate group.” In that moment I didn’t really think of what I was doing, I called my mother and told her I was staying afterschool that evening for the meeting of the group. Now it is clear to me that my split decision to join the group changed who I was at the time. I found an organization that embraced me for who I was and accepted me for my faults and insecurities. My coach, Mr. Stan Standly, showed me that every family in the world is affected either directly or indirectly by cancer and the only way to fight it is to have faith and …show more content…

People still remain uneducated in what cancer is and how it affects the people around them, but it is such a random and socio-economic epidemic on who is diagnosed with cancer that I feel a main issue in the world is cancer due to the numerous amounts of people I know affected by it. My dad was given a second chance at life thanks to the love of people who cared for him and his family and friends who gave him hope when fighting for his life. Cancer is not something that should be taken into consideration lightly by the world, when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer it changes both individuals’ lives. My family was affected directly by cancer and now that my dad is healthy again, he will never completely be the same person that he was before he got cancer. I urge my friends to go to their annual Family Physician visits because I want for no one to go through the sort of turmoil that my father went through. Gandhi speaks the truth often, when you don’t take action to take care of yourself then you are taking no action in part of keeping yourself healthy and

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