Spread The Flies: A Short Story

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“Spread your wings and fly” they said, well it’s not that easy. It all started when I was a caterpillar, I wasn’t bothering anybody, I was just minding my own business eating a leaf on the tree. All the sudden I see a couple of birds flying around me. When I noticed them I just wanted to get out if there because my aunt Ruthie was just eaten by a bird. It was a sad time. I stated up to a limb of the tree, but man was I hungry, it was almost time for my metamorphis. The only thing that I cared about was getting away from the bird. This was my daily routine, and I was getting sick of it. I live in a tree with a large vast of land, their are also humans where I live, they call it the farm. I am almost into my metamorphosis stage of my life, …show more content…

I’ve been studying the humans and every morning they go hunting for the birds in the sky. I had a great plan for the bird that chased me every day. That day was today, I was going to get the bird caught. All I could think about was me eating though, I couldn’t get enough food, I was always hungry. It was the usual day, I went to my favorite spot for leaves, yup, I was right, the bird came as usual but this time he had his friends, immediately, I tried to get away. This time was different all of his friend were surrounding me, this has never happened to me. They were grabing me with their mouths and teasing me about my colors and shape. Now, I was really mad at the birds. There was nothing I could do, they had me, this was it. They started to play a game where they were flying into the air and tossing me into the air where I would fall and then they would fly really fast to catch me. Most times the fall was a bit too close the ground for comfort, but I knew that they were just trying to scare me. This was by far not my plan, not even close, but one time they were being too silly and dropped me to the ground with a hard thump that really hurt. I inched as fast as I could to get under a leaf and around the grass to where they couldn’t see me, and I stayed there for the rest of the …show more content…

After a couple days, I wanted to try them out, I was just scared of falling like when the birds dropped me and then caught me. When I decided to try them out, the wind caught me, it was a lot harder than it looked. The wind kept messing me up, it even to where I didn’t know where I was. The wind finally settled, I had never been here before, I was on a hill, and right across it, there where big, tall, and wide barns. These barns where like none that I have ever seen before. There were also cars everywhere, beeping and being loud. I wanted to check it out and see what it’s like because I’ve just never seen anything like it before, the only thing different was that the barns were not red, they were grey, and their wasn’t as many or any trees around. Since their wasn’t as much wind, I was going to try to fly again. Before I started going around to all of the barns, I wanted to try “test flying” and get better at it before I go off into a place where I’m unsure

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