Sports Related Injuries

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Knowing How to Prevent Athletes from Receiving Sports Related Injuries It has become the norm for athletes to receive an injury during his or her sporting career. An athlete can receive an injury from almost anything. It is important that athletes learn how to tell when he or she has been injured. Also is important for an athlete to know if he or she should refrain from playing the sport. It is common for many kids to play a sport and continue playing the sport at a college level or professional level injuries may follow. Between the rigorous work outs and games, a player is likely to get hurt or receive an injury that requires medical or and expert care at least once in their life time. Could those injuries have been prevented? Do athlete’s …show more content…

Gabbett stated that it is important for an athlete to know how to stretch and work out and train properly. Those who keep their training at a moderate pace and gradually increase their training can avoid injury. Jumping around and not being consistent during training can leave the body sour and muscles weak at times (pg 1-9). Athletes think in order to increase muscle mass they need to use excessive weights during workouts to gain muscles and when really they are leaving their body weak and making it hard to train. In the weight room athlete tend to increase weight by adding pound and reps or exercise longer than what they are required without giving their bodies the right amount of time to rest in between reps. Doing so, soreness can occure in the muscles and possibly cause pain to the athlete. An athlete who does more than his or her body can handle can be dangerous and he or she will end up injuring …show more content…

According to Myrick, it is common for someone to re-sprain a sprained ankle or receive shin splints numerous times. The over use of the muscles or joints can lead to wear and tear and eventually break. Spotting them early will reduce more the likely hood of receiving an injury (pg 1023-1031). Athletes tend to shrug it off when he or she gets hurt and continue playing or practicing. Not only is the athlete causing more pain to themselves, he or she is making the injury worse. Resting is very important when training or playing a sport, giving the body time to rest and regroup can reduce a lot of pressure on the body. In some sports athletes will practice the morning of their sporting event or not practice at all. In then there are cases where athletes have games that are back to back and he or she has no choice but perform and that is where the fault is put on the coach for not providing enough down time for his or her

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