Sports Injury Research Paper

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Many athletes are injured while playing sports. “More than half of America's children play sports, and thousands end up in the Emergency Room each year” (“Stop Sports Injuries”). This problem ruins the fun for hundreds of children across the world, but it can be stopped with education, proper rules, and the right foods. The first way to prevent injuries in sports is to educate people about the subject. Sadly, many athletes end up injured.”More than 421,000 young men and women participate in more than 17,800 NCAA sponsored teams and more than seven million high school students play sports today. There are a reported 715,000 high school sports-related injuries each year, and 8,000 children are treated in the emergency rooms each day for sports related injuries” (“Injury Prevention Resources”). Currently this problem is getting worse with rough play. There are many ways to prevent these thousands of injuries though. “Warming up is the easiest way to reduce the likelihood of an injury. Stretching and warming up are the easiest parts of a workout and also the most essential” (“Injury Prevention resources”). Many athletes look over warming up and stretching, saying that it's not very important. That exact thinking is what is causing …show more content…

“New rules have probably caused more knee injuries.Some rules can just make injuries because players aren't allowed to hit high” (“James E. Tibone, MD”). These injuries are much more minor though. Most injuries occur from overexertion. “Here in California, kids play year round. They hurt their arms.” (“James E. Tibone, MD”). Overexertion is a large problem in some places. Another large problem is not stretching. “Stretching is on a top rung when it comes to injury prevention” (“James E. Tibone”) Stretching is essential when trying to avoid injury. If all athletes follow the rules, we will be able to cut our injury percentage in

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