Sports Drinks Persuasive Speech

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Do you ever wonder why sports drinks are so expensive, can't you just drink water? After games I’m always tired, and thirsty. I never know if I should spend a lot of money on sports drinks or to just drink water. I want to learn if sports drinks can really boost your performance and help you hydrate faster. I believe that learning more about hydration will help to explain the difference in water, juices, and sports drinks. Sports drinks can rehydrate your body and replace some of the sugars, and salts you lose. Energy drinks provide energy, however the energy that they provide is not long lasting (Energy Drinks). The energy from energy drinks last for a short amount of time (Energy Drinks). Sports can help you rehydrate, but you only want to use them if you exercise intensely for 60 minutes (Proper Hydration for Exercise). If you want to stay hydrated during an exercise you should drink 18-20 fluid ounces of water two hours before your workout (Proper Hydration for Exercise). To maintain that hydration you should drink 8-10 fluid ounces before your workout also (Proper Hydration for Exercise). After you workout you want to consume around 20 fluid ounces of water for every pound you lost (Proper Hydration of Exercise). Depending on how hard and long you worked out you may want to drink a sports drink to replace the salts you lost (Proper Hydration for Exercise). …show more content…

In my science fair experiment I plan to measure the difference in electrolytes in orange juice and a sports drink. In order to test this I will use a multimeter. I think that people who are working out to their full potential will find it more useful to drink sports drinks after their workout. I believe this because my research shows that the harder you work out the more salts your body loses, sports drinks have a lot of those salts and can replenish them

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