Spiritual Community Research Paper

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.Who is your spiritual community? (Identify and describe your spiritual community.) I have been very blessed in this aspect of spiritual formation. My spiritual community has been a vital root to what has established my faith. I have had the experience to connect spiritually with some amazing individuals and groups who are passionate about developing a with relationship with Jesus Christ. My spiritual community has come from every direction and in many forms; church, bible studies, fellowship gatherings & celebrations, Celebrate Recovery, ministries, friendships, family, and homeschool support groups. Having these various types of communties has given me a opportunity to encounter wisdom from hearing God's word, knowledge in how to apply His Word and encouragement of how to grow in His word. Having a spiritual community to rely on has formulated patterns of spiritual practice. Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (New …show more content…

Sisters and mothers in Christ: As I mentioned above I have a great support system of spiritual community that prays, encourages, and loves me. I have a handful of ladies who have really extended thier hearts to me. They have walked through the good and dark nights with me. They have accepted and loved me despite my hurts, hang-ups and habits. These important qualities of a discipleship have helped me grow in the body of Christ. I have learned through them that thier qualities are the authentic qualities of Christ. I have learned over the years how to accept, embrace and practice the characteristics of Christ. Children My children are also a essential partners in my spiritual journey. They teach me the true meaning of God’s pure love, mercy and grace. They are often a source of support, even when they don't know that they are being one. Thier desire to know God is a great

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