Spinco Case Study: Spin Co.

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The work ethic behind SpinCo has translated the company into number one. Our staff cannot be over looked because of the money being stacked up. We pride ourselves on working the office job around the clock. In order for Spin Co. to keep the pace running we must make sure our staff are properly vet throughout the day. Being the coffee lovers that they are, management must ensure our staff have a constant flow of coffee running through their veins. I have come with a plan to make sure our staff remain energized from 8-4 everyday. This will ensure a solid foothold in the market, an elevation on top of the competition, and sustain profitability at an accelerating pace. Since coffee bags don’t work anymore, I have done extensive research out there. On the internet, there is an endless list of coffee machines for sale. I have come up with three choices to report to management. The prince range is well spread in order for management to find the best fit. An overview for each machine is outlined below, followed by their technical features.

The Barista Express (Breville)
The Rubble Barista Express BES870 is a coffee machine made from steel. Its size requires a good amount of space. With a 60 ounce water filter on its back, the machine is capable of brewing multiple cups per round. The techniques available …show more content…

Its serving is almost instantaneous, which helps for a large crowd of coffee drinkers. It offers a wider range of beverages with additional choices of tea, coffee, and chocolate mixes. Unlike other coffee machines they don’t need to be cleaned, because their milk is stored until the technician’s next visit. Usually the time-frame for maintenance is on a weekly basis, but this depends also on the location of the machine. Saeco is an Italian firm which ships these machines for commercial use only. Because of its high frequency servings and tailored variety of drinks this machine starts from

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