Spencer West Research Paper

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Everyone goes through hard times, but those who choose to bounce back and face their challenges head on will achieve greatness. This is exactly what double amputee, Spencer West, did. Spencer West is an amazing man who lost both his legs due to a genetic disease that caused severe spinal deformation. At the tender age of 5, the lower half of his body was amputated just below the pelvis. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Spencer West decided to use his story to inspire others. Now, Spencer flies’ through life like a superhero, bringing smiles to many faces. Although it may not be a smooth flight the whole way, with his incredible perseverance, happiness through service work, and sense of self worth, Spencer West continues to redefine what …show more content…

Four years ago, no one could imagine someone without legs climbing a mountain, but with Spencer’s spectacular perseverance, this was made possible. In high school, Spencer West was bullied, especially for not being able to do sports. This did not stop him from flourishing in acting and cheerleading. His passion for being a caring citizen shined in high school, and he received an undergraduate degree in communications from Westminster College. Even with his challenges, Spencer West perseveres through his differences and excites people, especially youth, to create change in our world. In 2012, he climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise money for people in third world countries without water. With only his hands (a whole lot of spirit), and a wheelchair, not only did he make the 7 day trek, but he was a supporting friend while his travelling partners suffered from severe altitude sickness. Now, he has become an author, writing the book “Standing Tall”, and travels globally as a motivational speaker. Instead of dwelling on what could have been a brutal future, Spencer West pushed through with his optimism. Through helping others, Spencer found his passion and a reason to keep

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