Speech On Potluck Duty

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Hi Dr. Fall, I'm glad to hear your travels went well. Thank you for your email updates. They are appreciated. I'm more worried about the sprays they used for tomorrow's meeting place. Unfortunately, sometimes we can't avoid chemicals. Last week was my first week for an assigned potluck duty. I have some thoughts to share with you. I have Ccd Richard in this email as he can attest to how things went. Having been in WWCG since an infant, I have seen the "coffee pot wars." Therefore, I try to avoid any situations that can cause such trivial problems. With that said, I don't feel like our Concord congregation has ever had such issues. We all assumed Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Roberts liked to be in charge of potluck duties so no one ever interfered. Therefore, I understand that volunteers are needed for rotational purposes with …show more content…

Roberts and Mrs. Ezekiel should be excluded from potluck duties. They are older and should enjoy fellowship while relaxing. Also, Emeline signed up to help because she always helps. She usually helps take dishes of food to the table. Sandy told her that she would have extra duties if she signed the volunteer list, so Emeline knew what she was signing up for. I think it is good for Emeline to serve and not be excluded because of her age. Therefore, I think Emeline should be assigned to a month of service as well but with Sandy as an assigned "helper" to her. Further, Richard was asked to bring water by Mrs. Roberts because that is what Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Roberts were doing with donation money. I don't think putting the responsibility of someone purchasing water each week is good. Usually, drinks are provided with coffee and tea being the preferred choice. As instructed, Richard brought a gallon of water last week and only one-fourth was consumed. I don't see the need with continuing the purchase of water. If someone decides to bring some, that's okay. But, I don't think it should be mandatory and a weekly

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