Speech: Harms of Disposable Diapers

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Speech: Harms of Disposable Diapers

Title: The Harms of Disposable Diapers

General Purpose: To Persuade

Specific Purpose: To discourage the audience from using disposable diapers.

Pattern of organization: Refutative

I Introduction

A) Survey says children. Would rather use disposable diapers. Nothing wrong with disposable.

B) Well, in reality there are negative effects from using disposable diaper that can affect the environment and the health of you and your children.

C) Do best for family

D) Educate on the impact that producing, using, and disposing

II Body

A) Production impact

1) Environmental and health concerns right to doorstep. Chop down four or five trees to make 500 kg of fluffy wood pulp baby will use in 2 ½ years. (Catherine McDiarmid, 1997 "Environmental Concerns") Then you will need just for your child, over 2,800 cubic meters of nonrenewable natural gas to make 325 kg of plastic for the waterproof backing and packaging for the 6,000 disposable diapers your child will use.

2) (Jane McConnell, 1998, " The Joy of Cloth Diapers") It takes about 82,000 tons of plastic and a quarter million trees to manufacture the disposable diapers that cover the bottoms of 90% of the babies born in the U.S. each year.

3) (The Canadian Cloth Diaper Association, 1997, "The Facts: Cloth Versus "Disposable" Diapers) For the convenience of using disposable diapers, you are helping release wastewater produced by processing the pulp, paper and plastic that contains solvents, sludge, heavy metals, unreacted polymers, dioxins, and furans that will make their way into your neighborhood air and water.

B) Health hazards

1) Forget environment, toxic chemicals and baby. (Candace Brecevic, 2000, "Disposing of Di...

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...use reputable companies back it.

6. The work does not provide documentation of support material.

7. No bibliography

8. The author does not talk about the bad side of cloth diapers.

9. The web page is complete.

10. The website does contain links and they do work.

Reilly, Lee. "The Diaper Debate." Vegetarian Times. Mar. 1997. 90. Health Source Plus.

Galileo. 30 Oct. 2000.

1. The source is a respected magazine.

2. The source is credible because it is on the Galileo database.

3. The Author quotes many different sources of information.

4. The work was published in 1997

5. The work was published by the Sabot Publishing company

6. The work provides documentation for support material.

7. No bibliography

8. The work talks about how the greener choice for diapers may depend on where someone lives. So, no the author is not prejudice.

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