Special Warrant Essay

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Out of the many responsibilities the Parliament has, one responsibility is to approve and control the federal government’s expenses of public funds. The process used for this is mainly presenting the spending plans to the Parliament and they adopt appropriate bills which authorizes the government’s expenses. The use of Governor General Special Warrants During an Election Period is currently an emerging issue. It is used in very special circumstances, in the absence of the parliament adopting a bill, the federal government uses governor general special warrants to authorize its spending during the federal election. There is a criteria used to determine eligible payments under a special warrant. In 2011, during the federal election, the Parliament did not yet adopt appropriate bills for the year 2011-2012. The Parliament ended up dissolving before the authorization to spend money. This is the reason to why the government uses governor general special …show more content…

However, concerns began to arise that the government can use special warrants to avoid the meeting of the Parliament. In order to limit the use of special warrants, a bill was presented and accepted in 1997, that the special warrants will be used only during the time period of the election. The special warrants is a great way to to keep things running during the election stress. Public administration is about public provision of services and regulations which includes politics. The special warrant is policy mainly introduced to keep the government functioning as normal without the parliament. This is similar to Fredrick Taylor’s theory of scientific management. This was an oldest form of management theory which focuses on efficiency and labor productivity. It is characterized by a chain of commands, span of control, specialization and the use of vertical levels of

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