Special Effects

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Special Effects

Special effects in motion pictures has evolved over the years into an

involved science of illusion and visual magic. The following is a comprehensive

perspective depicting the rapidly expanding realm of cinematography.

In times of old, special effects in movies was limited to an individual's

creativity and the constrictive limits of the tools available. However the

results of early special effects masters astounded audiences in their age in the

same manner that modern artists do today. The ability to create an effect that

was brand new was, and still is, the key to the industry.

Techniques range from the expected to the bizarre in order to achieve a

certain image or illusion. Cinematographers in the early fifties would use a

black cloth backdrop with white paint splattered off of toothpicks to simulate a

space scene in the many science-fiction movies made in that era. There is also

stories of a common plate being thrown across a "space" backdrop to emulate a

flying saucer in mid-flight.

Although the special effects persons of old were strapped with limits, one

of these was not make-up. They relied heavily on this prop to portray the many

monsters and aliens in their films. "Nosferatu" a German film about the vampire

with the same name was a huge success even in America, where thousands marveled

at the intricate detailing of the blood-sucker's razor-like teeth, bulging eyes

and a pointed nose and ears. "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" used a

somewhat new technique of a body suit that the actor wore along with a mask made

of latex rubber and foam. Using cooking oil or butter spread on the body and

mask gave an enhancement of sliminess added to the monster image. A fairly

recent film using heavy make-up effects is "An American Werewolf in London" done

by the master make-up artist Rick Baker who shows what can be done with a steady

hand and a lot of patience.

Another popular trick used was strings to manipulate miniature objects.

Often used in the science fiction era to show spacecraft or other objects in

flight was thin strings attached to miniatures. Audiences did notice the

obvious strings but it did not matter at the time because it was state of the


The next major breakthrough in the effects world was stop-motion animation.

A process by which objects were...

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...l effects has come. The computer age has

touched the movie world and made a huge impact. Literally anything is possible

with the assistance of computers. Using software and hardware costing in the

hundreds of thousands of dollars, 3D mesh object renderings are leaving all

other techniques in the past. CGI, which stands for Computer Generated Imaging,

is the latest way to get exactly what movie companies want in their films.

Flawless in appearance and challenging actual objects the viewer is often left

flustered as to if what they are seeing is real or computer generated. Industry

giants in this latest technique include Lucas' ILM as well as Pacific Data

Images. Movies using mainly CGI include, "Independence Day", "Terminator 2" and,

of course, "Jurassic Park".

Special effects have played an essential role in the motion picture

experience for over 70 years and with good reason. Whether it be a plate being

thrown across the screen or a computer generated Star Destroyer, a clay ape on a

cardboard Empire State Building or a T-Rex smacking his head on the side of your

jeep, the art of movie illusion will only cease to grow when our minds do.

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