Spanish American War Research Paper

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Spanish-American war happened for several reasons. It was mainly over Cuba’s independence with the Cuban Revolutionaries fighting years for their freedom from Spain. The Spanish colonies in Cuba as well as the Philippines became major battlefields. Another reason for the Spanish-American war was the sinking of the U.S. Battleship Maine on February 15th, 1898 in the Havana harbor. Between 1868 to 1878 the Ten Years War was fought. The agreement that ended the war was never enforced. Cubans began to fight again in the 1890’s for their freedom from Spain. Jose` Marti` was the leader of the Cuban Revolutionary Party which he founded in the U.S. on January of 1892. Marti left the states , went back to Cuba where he fought with the Cuban rebels in the end February 1895 for a few weeks. He was killed in action on May 19, 1895. …show more content…

battleship Maine to help protect life and property. An explosion was heard and the battleship sank in the Havana harbor. It’s still uncertain as to what may have cause the explosion however many Americans blamed Spain for the attack. As a consequence of the sinking of the battleship Maine, the United States wanted to go to war against Spain. President McKinley wasn't thrilled about the idea and procrastinated for a few months until the public put so much pressure on him he didn’t have a choice. The United States declared war against Spain on April 25, 1898. And so the war began. The first blow was struck, however not in Cuba as one might think, but in the

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