Space Exploration Dbq

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In making decisions concerning space exploration, there are many issues and planning that need to be addressed. Space exploration is a serious thing and there needs to be a thorough thinking process on what is going to occur and backup plans in case anything happens. Leaving earth requires a good amount of work and expense, but in today's time we need to start thinking about these issues since on earth we are having serious problems such as the disappearance of the rainforest, the pollution of the oceans, an increase in desertification in some areas, and major climate changes. Now space exploration is a necessity.

In document A, it lets us know that all the money spent goes to manufacturing, research and development, salaries, benefits, insurance companies, doctors, teachers, scientists, etc. The money disperses throughout the country, but for manned exploration we need to work together and in the end it will be worth it. “ It’s not just about what we learn out there in space, or about ourselves, or how to be a better steward of precious earth. It’s about how we live here on earth together and what type of future we want for ourselves and children” shows us that the purpose of manned space exploration is the path to a better life for ourselves, a new era of hope and to give young ones a good life and so they could have the opportunity to live and build a future for themselves. …show more content…

It mentions what the money will be used for, but it also says that before we even think about exploring we need to remember that we do not have a very good track record with protecting our home planet “ resulting in disruption of migratory routes, soil erosion, and species extinction”. As we proceed to plan to venture off to places no one has gone to before we need to take into account the responsibility and actions we indulge in terms of the impact on the society, the universe, and our

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