Sorry Wrong Number Dramatic Irony Essay

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For a period of time, radio plays were a very popular form of entertainment in the United States. Irony and sound effects contributed to the plot and added depth to many radio plays. Irony and dramatic irony moves the plot quicker and and creates an unexpected ending, and sound effects helps the readers understand the plot. For instance, in the radio play “Sorry, Wrong Number,” by Lucille Fletcher, irony and sound effects were present all throughout the play, moving the story along and helping the readers to comprehend the plot. The entire radio play “Sorry, Wrong Number,” by Lucille Fletcher is a perfect example of irony and dramatic irony. For instance, in the radio play, Mrs.Stevenson overheard a conversation between George and the First Man. In the text, it states, “At eleven o'clock the private patrolman goes around to the bar on Second Avenue for a beer… At eleven fifteen a subway train crosses the bridge. It makes a noise in case her window is open and she should scream… Make it quick. As little blood as possible.” Mrs.Stevenson heard their whole murder scheme prior to it occurring, readers would’ve expected her to call the police and apprehend the criminals, but just the opposite happened, and the murder took place anyways. The author utilized irony to create an unpredictable ending. Furthermore, dramatic irony …show more content…

To illustrate, in the radio play, often the author writes, “(sound of dialing).” That’s to show that Mrs.Stevenson is making a call so the readers can follow along with the plot. Additionally, in the text, it says, “(frantically clicking receiver).” If Mrs.Stevenson is clicking the receiver frantically, that means she’s really impatient and frenzied. That inference can help readers understand how the turn of events affected Mrs.Stevenson. Therefore, sound effects have a vital role in the readers’ grasp of the

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