Soren kierkegaard vs Friedrich Nietzsche

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The question “How am I to exist?” is the question sought after by many thinkers and is at the center of existentialism. Existentialism is any philosophy that emphasizes fundamental questions of meaning and choice as they affect existing individuals. (Soccio 391) Existentialists develop theories that describe how a person should to live his or her life. Two existentialist philosophers that will be discussed in this paper are Søren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche. Søren Kierkegaard is a very enthusiastic philosopher who believed that the way to live is to have a religious authenticity and avoid the crowd life. Friedrich Nietzsche is a very controversial philosopher who believes that everyone is entitled to their own point of view on life and that there is no absolute truth. Both thinkers express ideas that are different from the norms of their societies and have therefore provoked controversy in their respective times.
Søren Kierkegaard was born in Copenhagen, Denmark with seven other siblings (Soccio 392-393). His was the favorite child of his father Michael, who had felt overwhelming guilt over two sins that he’d committed. When Søren grew up he attended a university and spent the next couple years partying. Before Michael (Søren’s father) died, he admitted his sins from past to Søren. This stunned Søren and prompted him to start studying theology. Later after divorcing his wife Regina Olsen, he taught that to be a Christian, means to live with authenticity. Authenticity is “the subjective condition of an individual living honestly and courageously in the moment without refuge in excuses and without reliance on groups or institutions for meaning and purpose.” (Soccio 396-397) In addition, Kierkegaard didn’t like the Church as...

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... philosophers lived in aesthetic stage while in college. Søren Kierkegaard drank and visited the theater while in college while Friedrich Nietzsche drank and had romantic pursuit in college. In addition, both philosophers were controversial for their times. Søren Kierkegaard detested the Danish Church saying that it’s way of life was inauthentic. Whereas Friedrich Nietzsche explained that there is no god and that it’s idea is used only to cover up sins. I believe that Søren Kierkegaard better addresses this question “How am I to exist?” because he more explicitly explains his call to action in his teachings. He explains that we should put our faith in god and live as Christians willing to stand for god. Nietzsche explains that truth is open to individual interpretation and that “God is Dead” however he never clearly tells his readers what he wants them to do.

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