Sonny’s Blues and Ray Charles

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Everyone has their own definition of the word dream. The meaning of dream to me is being indubitable or passionate about what it is that I would like to do. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, two of the definitions of dream is, “a strong desired goal or purpose,” and “something that fully satisfies a wish.” “Sonny’s Blues” is a story about two brothers who has took their own direction in life, but also trying to find the meaning of their lives. The short story “Sonny’s Blues” and the musician Ray Charles chart the lives of aspiring musicians facing distractions of poverty and family difficulties as they try to reach their impossible dreams.

In “Sonny’s Blues” there are two main characters the narrator, whom we do not know his name, and his younger brother Sonny. Sonny has a dream to become a jazz musician, but his brother (the narrator) does not think this is a reliable future. The narrator makes Sonny’s hope extremely impractical. When their mother passed away that is when the narrator first asked Sonny, “What do you want to do?” (Baldwin 105). He replied with say he wanted to be a musician. The narrator automatically sees the dangers in trying to become a musician that he states, “Well Sonny, you know people can’t always do exactly what they want to do…” This quote shows us that the narrator did not believe in Sonny’s dream. He just thought it was a hopeless dream and that he will never make it. Most importantly he is scared he will fail and he will have to pick him up. The death of his mother made sonny want to drop out of school and try to become a musician, but the narrator wanted him to graduate. So told Sonny he will be moving in with his wife Isabel. Isabel and her family all understood Sonny was playing ...

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...he dream of just playing music was something that inspired them to stay out the streets and to see what is important in life. Music was a way they survived, it saved their life. The music told their story in they way they wanted it to be told. Dreams are also something lavishing, they are not always about being rich and famous, but its about wanting to do something you are truly passionate about and knowing when you wake up you are happy with the decision you are making. It doesn’t matter if someone understands why you decided to do that or not.

Works Cited

Baldwin, James. "Sonny's Blues ." Mays, Kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature . New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton 7 Company. INC. , 2013. 95-118.

Charles, Ray and David Ritz. Brother Ray: Ray Charles Own Story . New York, NY: The Dial Press , 1978.

Urban Dictionary . 10 October 2005. 29 April 2014.

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