Using Music Therapy to Ease Child's Situational Anxiety

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I am not a music therapist. I am a mom who has used music therapy theory in an attempt to reduce my child's situational anxiety. Several years ago we lost our clown fish, Nemo #1, to a nasty crab. Recently I became aware of my son's situational anxiety when he told me that he could not find Nemo #2 and he thought the fish might have gone to the ocean to be with his dad. The next sign that our child was having some serious situational anxiety was when he came running into our room in the middle of the night and woke me up to tell me that he had seen Nemo #2. I let his father explain why he was not seeing his fish as often as he liked while I went to work finding the best songs to reduce anxiety in children. Songs to Reduce Anxiety in Kindergartners …show more content…

Anxiety arises when the body usually sweating, a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. This is because the brain as the source of the human mind must think too hard and it will give negative impact to the body. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, you must learn to control the anxiety step by step. Anxiety also commonly described as an extreme reaction to frightening situations. Fear is come from the brain for certain situations and not the situation itself. For example, get stuck in traffic when I have to attend a meeting at the office, starting a new job can also cause anxiety. You do not know anyone and was afraid of the unknown and it can make you into a panic condition. Every situation that brings anxiety will not threat to our life. More than likely a very tense situation that has led to anxiety as a way to handle it. Uncontrolled anxiety can cause this type of depression. If you suffer from anxiety disorder whether sometimes or even often, there are several ways to cope and learn to control it step by step: You must meet psychologist. This is a good first step, by doing self-diagnosis of all types of physical or mental condition, it can be known to the core issue and how to overcome them. A professional psychologist can help you to understand your anxiety with prescription medicine or other effective techniques. Get a good night's sleep. During the sleep cycle, your body repairs itself. You feel more rested after a few hours of restorative sleep. Most people need eight hours to restore all energy and also rest the brain function. Exercise consistently. Exercise helps you to use oxygen more efficiently. This helps to get more oxygen to the brain. This also will enhance the focus that can help you see solutions to problems rather than just worry about them. You can try Yoga, this is a practice for calming the mind and control your breathing. By doing a simple and regular mediation,

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