Song Of Myself

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The Individual essay “Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.” Those were just a few of the many wise words of Eleanor Roosevelt. Now some begin to wonder, maybe how can they be an individual. Although most consider this main question, How does a person find their place in society? Here’s a few examples to hopefully answer that question. Song of myself is a poem written by Walt Whitman. He uses “I” quite frequently throughout the poem to connect you as a reader so he can share the feeling of self celebration. Just the first line shows he's proud of himself and shows where he stands in society as it says, “I celebrate myself, and sing myself.” He believes it's fine to do things on your own. He also explains how like grass is as a child, beautiful and pure. It can relate to us in our younger days. Embracing not only our lives, but accepting who we are can be a way to find your place in the world. …show more content…

Mcpherson was about a civil war. The Southerners could have just agreed with the North and that would have bypassed all the fighting and bloodshed. As for the North later in the war, they could have just left south alone and both live in peace. So why didn’t they? The answer is simple, they both had something to fight for. Countless soldiers wrote letters home, for example, this was written by a man from Missouri. “We fight for the blessings bought by the blood and treasure of our fathers.” They fought for what they believed was right. Makes them stand out in the society

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