Solar Generator Advantages And Disadvantages

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Portable Solar Generators The first thing to begin with, what is solar generator and what are its advantages. In today’s date portable solar generator is a great alternative to the conventional source of electricity. Above all it saves you a huge amount of money on your electricity bill because it uses the solar energy via solar panels and stores it in the battery which is later on released through inverter as AC power. It grants you liberty from the local power supplier. On-demand usage is the biggest plus point solar generators apart from savings. Manufacturers came up with innovating ideas solving the storage capacity and the battery weight issue. Now we can even get compact, 1.6 lbs weight, yet rugged enough solar power generators that can be carried anywhere and rough outdoor usage. Take a look at various Portable Solar Generators available in the market; • Goal Zero 22004 Yeti 150 Portable Solar Generator When electricity is not available, Goal Zero 22004 Yeti 150 Solar Generator is brilliant way to power up your sophisticated electronics like the Smartphone, laptop, and lights. This super-compact solar generator is just 8 inches tall and 10 inches wide and a carrying handle. It is light just 12 lbs and extremely portable. You can …show more content…

1.5 lbs weighing this solar generator is powerful, durable, portable, waterproof and almost indestructible. It gives a peak output power to the battery of 2.2 watts and can increase up to 3.3 with added reflectors. It is waterproof, just cover USB port with a plastic sheet and it is SAFE! No worries even if you drop it. A big lithium polymer battery that stores the power longer gives your power for your tools. It works fine even when without lots of sun. There are LED lights that tell you the status of the generator. Enjoy adventure now without any

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