Sojourner Truth Summary

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Sojourner Truth was a women’s rights activist and a african american abolitionist. On May 29, 1851, Truth spoke about how society portrays women while contrasting with the reality of their lives. She spoke about her labor experiences as a female slave, and how hard she was working while people still thought women were inferior. She also brought to the audiences attention that African Americans and women were being denied a thorough education compared to others. Truth’s opinion on how slavery affects women is that she feels that society is depicting women as trivial, and inferior human beings, which gives them less opportunities.
One effect of the way their culture portrays women is that women receive a inadequate or even no education. Women, especially women slaves were thought of as vacuous back then. Because of this, others felt that there would be no reason why women should get a decent education. However, Truth feels that even IF women aren’t as intelligent as men, they still deserve a chance. “ If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure-full?” (Truth). Truth is comparing a cup to the mind of a male and a female. She feels that women slaves should be allowed an education that is just as substantial as a …show more content…

Female slaves are normally given the same amount of work as men, and slave owners expect them to be tough enough to handle whatever work come their way. However, their society believes that women are not as capable as men, therefore female slaves do not get credit for all of their hard work and mental toughness. “ I could work as much ... as a man … and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman?” (Truth) . When Truth was a slave, she was forced to work as much as a man, but since she’s a woman, it is seemingly impossible. She is saying that women CAN do things that men do, and they should be recognized just as

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