Soda Argumentative Essay

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Most people in America have enjoyed having an ice cold Coca-Cola on a hot summer day, but that sense of joy would be ruined with future potential taxes. Imagine having to pay a tax so the government can try to keep you “healthy.” Taxing sugary drinks has been a popular debate in recent years. Inspired by the cigarette tax, the government’s goal is to limit soda consumption along with consumption of other sugary drinks. Soda is not the direct cause of obesity. While the government may have citizens’ best interests at heart, soda is not that bad for you with moderate consumption. But, just like with anything, too much can lead to negative health effects. Hannah Gardner is an epidemiologist who studied at the University of Miami. She found research that many people found shocking; she said “The early findings showed a 48% increase in heart attack and stroke risk among daily diet soda drinkers, compared to people who did not drink diet sodas at all or did not drink them everyday.” Many people who are in support of this tax took this out of context and said that soda causes heart attacks and strokes, but just because there is a correlation does not mean there is a direct link or causation (Boyles). Because there is no direct link, it is unfair to blame soda for those health problems. …show more content…

Adults can choose to buy whatever drinks they want to and they should not have to pay tax to help stop the “obesity epidemic.” It is not the government’s job to try and control what people can and cannot drink by using tax as a deterrent. The government thinks that a tax will help with obesity but, diet and exercise still play a very big role in overall health. Even if someone limits the sugar they consume, they still might eat fried or fatty foods, which are not healthy. People might not exercise to limit the chance of disease

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