Socrates Oedipus The King And The Tanakh Analysis

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Striving for truth is a common issue in The Last Days of Socrates, Oedipus the King and the Tanakh. Here, the definition for truth is not merely about the fact that once happened. What is more, it is about things that are accepted as true and right according to the society and the common sense. Characters use truth as a tool to fulfill their aims and get themselves improved. Socrates insists on seeking for truth for his whole life. He fight it at all costs and finally becomes a tragic hero. Oedipus puts so many efforts to try to solve the riddle of his own identity, even though the truth he finds out is cruel. Eve wants to know what the real good and bad, so that she breaks the rules and eats the fruit of the tree in the middle. Although characters …show more content…

Socrates has been leading a philosophical life and spends his whole life examing what the truth is. The truth here is a tangible truth, whereas it is more likely to be the rules or the orders of the world. In Socrates’s defense, he expresses the idea that he is a gift or a messenger that is sent to Athenians by the god. His task is to talk to others and then discuss intriguing and valuable problems with people in order to find out the most worthy and useful truth and wisdom for human beings because humans only know a little about themselves and the world in fact. “Whereas just as I don’t know anything, I don’t think I do either.” ( The …show more content…

At first, Eva is told that she ce on in the middle. Later, when the serpent tolds her the benefits of eating the fruits, shannot eat any othre fruits in the garden except the chooses to eat it without too much hesitaion. “You are not going to die, but God knows that as soon as you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like divine beings who know good and bad.”( Genesis 3:4-5) To examine her aim of eating the fruits, it is not only about her desire. Another important thing that conveys to readers is by eating the fruit, people can differentiate between good and bad. The good and bad probably represents the world’ rules and orders; in another world, they are parts of the truth of the world. It can be concluded as the humancondition-- when they are born, they want to know more about themselves and the world. After Eva and Adam eat the fruit, “then the eyes of both of them were opened and they perceived that they were naked;”( Genesis 3:7) Learning what is the good and what is the evil, they cover their body with leaves. It is the proof that when they try to seek for the truth, they do get some new knowledge about the world-- they begin to feel the shame. Eating the forbidden fruit might not be a apropriate way, but Eve seems to get parts of the truth; or at least some moral principles accepted by the

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