Sociological World Of Vashti: Text Analysis

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Socio-Historical Criticism
Understanding the historical context within the text can provide clues to the sociological world of Vashti. Starting with the fortress, Shushan, in verse five, a geographic location for the text can be extrapolated. Located in modern day Iran, on the banks of the Tigris River, Shushan, also known as Susa, lies close to the convergence of the Euphrates River and the Tigris. The city also claims a prime location on the Mesopotamian plain at the foot of the Zagros mountains. Centrally located between Mesopotamia and modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan, several important trade routes wound through Shushan.
Pinpointing a timeframe from the text alone is ineffective. Shushan’s archaeological evidence points to a timeframe of existence extending back to at least 3900 BCE. However, the timeframe in the text maps to the time of Xerxes I of Persia, based on similar motifs in Greek works of the same writing …show more content…

Royal Persian banquets fulfilled more than one purpose. Deriving their displays of opulence from the Assyrian empire, banquets at the Persian king’s palace showcased the spread of the empire. Displays of wealth, tributes from the kingdom’s provinces, and the realty of the king’s control boasted of the empire’s economic and political domination. Banquets were held both in large halls built for assemblies and colonnaded pavilions outside the palace. Even as large as Shushan’s palace was, King Ahasuerus’ seven-day banquet might have taken seven days to accommodate all the people living in the fortress city, similar to a public reception. The lush fabrics, metals, and stone of the garden pavilion and the flowing wine provided in opulent drinking vessels worked in tandem to convey Ahasuerus’ status as king to banquet attendees. Sociologically, the banquet became a mechanism of securing value and

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