Sociological Views On Society In Erving Goffman's Theory Of Society

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Erving Goffman is a sociologist who observes society in micro sociological way; he analyzed human’s interactions performed in everyday life. He examines society through face-to-face interactions and describes the way he views society as though it were a theater. This occurs because he states that there is a front and back stage to the way an individual interacts amongst other individuals just as if it were a performance in an actual theater. He believes that individuals have the power to control how to act in front of different individuals explaining that an individual wouldn’t act the same way with their best friend as they would with their boss at work. In order for society to be observed as a theater he mentions that the interaction must …show more content…

Having this mask resembles being in the front stage because the individual will act the way he wants society to see him however once the individual goes back stage he could be a different person (himself) because backstage resembles being around people who makes the individual feel comfortable. An example Goffman mentions in the reading is that a raw recruit will be obedient and show etiquettes in order to not be placed through physical punishment and so that his organization could be proud of him (Goffman,48). This is an example of a mask because the recruit is acting and interacting with other is a specific manner in order to not only be seen as he world like to by society but to also be a respected by the individuals in his organization he therefore puts the mask that he wouldn’t wear if he were to be interacting with friends or family …show more content…

However, after I’ve spoken to my boss I return to where the rest of my coworkers are and the person who I ‘am back stage is able to come forward because I’ve worked with the same people for almost four years meaning that I could be myself. If our boss isn’t around we will laugh and mess around with each other at work something that could not be done in the presence of my boss. For instance when I ‘am around my little cousins, my parents and my aunts I have to put the obedient mask on and change my conduct to an obedient one so that the younger kids could listen to the adults. However the situation slightly changed when I’m around my cousins who are a few years younger because those who are only about two years younger than me don’t listen like the older ones do . I don’t listen to my parents in front of the older ones so my front stage changes to back stage because I no longer need to act a certain way with certain people. I could be myself with my older cousin instead of pretending that I’m obedient to my parents when in reality sometimes I’m not and I’m just trying to put on a different performance around them to educate them properly so they learn that they do have to listen and be obedient as they get

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