Sociological Argument Essay: Do We Know God?

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We know God because we hear about Him from the moment we arrive. His presence in every nation around the globe stands as proof of our knowledge of his existence. “Therefore as long as a thing has being, God must be present to it, according to its mode of being.” (Aquinas, Ignatius, page 70) People enter life itself with the knowledge of God, an inherent human concept. Even people born in the most remote agnostic lands know of God. From a sociological standpoint, He permeates everyday culture with His being, even in places untouched by contemporary society. History affirms this fact about our knowledge of His actuality. We know God through His historical relevance to our society. People built empires based on the evidence of God and erected temples and shrines throughout towns and villages. They knew God so deeply that they willed themselves to go to war for their belief, a fact that the Crusades best illustrated. This devotion, in and of itself, proves that we know God. “He beareth not the sword in vain: for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil”(English Standard Version, Rom. 13:4). …show more content…

It brought together a collaboration of the combined knowledge of God. The fact, that countless followers of God created the Bible, proves that they knew God and therefore we also know God. Later, philosophers like St. Augustine and St. Aquinas began to question the very nature of the Bible. In doing so, they grew closer to God and learned more about Him. “It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation.” (Aquinas, Ignatius, pages 40-41) Many times, in light of a significant breakthrough in any philosopher’s endeavors, a holy unveiling of knowledge became known to them through the grace of God. Thus, we can say that we know of God through literature and in the same token, through

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