Society Essay: A Smart (Phone) Society

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A Smart (Phone) Society

Ask anyone to name a few necessities that humans need to live in this world, and they’ll probably start to name items such as food, water, and shelter. Those who are a bit more bold might say a smart phone, computers, or even a TV. Are they wrong? It could be easily argued that they are correct in saying that those things are now important to have in day-to-day life. Phones and other technological advances are no longer a luxury for the privileged; they have become a necessity in today’s society. People are in touch with each other with a click of a button, or the touch of a screen. Yet, these instant messages and lightning fast communications are starting to become the norm. No longer is it merely a luxury to have a smart phone, now it’s the standard; especially if 64% of American adults now possess a smart phone (Smith). Trying to live life without the ways of on-the-spot connection, people find it …show more content…

With smart phones, it’s safer for children to go outside to play and go to school because they are in constant communication with their parents, and, if necessary, the authorities. Families and friends stay close because of the steady connection to the internet. People everywhere are more aware of the dangers outside because journalists upload information with a few touches on a glass screen (Sarwar). A smart phone has an enormous amount of abilities for the public to use to their advantage, and many are doing just that. In a survey in 2014, smart phone owners talked about how they used their phones in the past year. Of the users surveyed, 62% of them said that they looked up information about a health condition. Over ninety percent of every age group had sent a text and made a voice or video call to another person (Smith). Smart phones usage for everyday endeavors is the future, and the future starts

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