Societal Prejudice Against Women in Hills Like White Elephants

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In the short story Hills Like White Elephants, Ernest Hemmingway's characters situation is greatly a product of the social standards for men and women of the time around the 1930s. Their problems which come into play other than the topic of the abortion, such as their relationship, their nationalities, and their financial situation all help to create that feeling of helpless indecision and inevitability that are apparent throughout the story. The style of writing that is used leaves much of the meaning of the story hidden and an understanding of the relationships between men and women of the era can lead to a deeper understanding of the story. Jig, the pregnant female in the story plays a relatively helpless role. Her situation as a young European women involved with an older American man traveling Europe, puts her in a very reliant position. But being pregnant isn't the only situation that has placed her in this predicament. Many of the problems she is dealing with at that train station were placed upon her by society and not her American friend. Women's rights at this point we still in their infancy. Women were just getting the right to vote in America never the less in Spain. The level of legal rights and the social stigmas of unwed mothers which Jig was subject to would more or less force her under the guidance of a man. So the situation which she has become involved in is somewhat a precarious one. She could demand to have the baby and stand firm on the subject regardless of the desires of her American companion, but then she runs the chance of relative abandonment in a foreign country without any means or skills to get her home. Even worse, at this time there was no such thing as alimony or child support an... ... middle of paper ... ...ision is left to be made that the 1930's society hasn't already made for them. The social makeup of the era lifted the ability of women to make such decisions on their own. Pro-choice wasn't even a concept at this time of near total male domination of the social and legal scene. It would be some time before women would actually have the ability to choose what to do with their own bodies and this choice is why this story wouldn't translate very well into a modern time. The ability of women now days to choose what to do with themselves and their ever increasing independence makes them less reliant on a man for support. This is power which Jig is lacking and has left her in her situation. Her complete dependence upon the American has granted him the control over her to do as he wishes. Unfortunately, Jig would have many years before the situation would change.

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