Socialization of Handicapped Children

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The field of work for the handicapped child is one of exceptional,

perhaps even unique, rapidity of change and development. Widening

of outlook and better understanding are leading to new tactics and

new techniques in approach to identifying the handicapped, in

defining their disabilities and in providing better treatment,

education, and general care. In this paper I will demonstrate how

the handicapped child becomes socialized, has social control and

how family, education and the community plays an important role in

the development of the social self.

Play serves an important role in the all-round development of the

child. It is their method of growing in those areas in which they are

ready to develop. Play promotes the physical,social,mental,and

emotional growth of the child.

It is obviously impossible for the physically handicapped boy or

girl to compete in the more strenuous physical activities and,

therefore, two things must be done. There must first be an attempt

to alter their own scales of values, so that he/she sees their own

lack of competence in this field of play. They must be encouraged

and helped to reach competence in some socially acceptable

recreation. The range of physical recreations is such that quite a

large proportion of handicapped children can find one that suits

them if the effort is made to give them opportunities and training.

The handicapped child who can never hope to play well, or even to

play at all, can still get a good deal of happiness from learning the

finer points of a sport and watching experts in action and there is

much to be said for encouraging them to do so.

It is not possible to live in any society, even the most primitive,

without some general education. The mentally handicapped child is

unable to obtain such a full education and is faced with an

inevitable social handicap. The best that can be done for them is to

minimize their difficulties by giving them as much general education

as they are able to receive and use. Physical handicap, however,

need not be essentially disastrous in the same way. It may affect

education by closing one of the sensory gateways by which education

enters the mind via sight or hearing. In this case, fuller use must be

made of the other gateways. The blind or deaf child can receive as

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