Social Work Scholarship Essay

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For me, my personal and professional values in social work and with the NASW Code of Ethics align almost perfectly. I’m pursuing the MSW degree because I have an unmatched motivation to help others make a significant, positive change in their lives. Although I’m still considered to be youthful, I’m the biggest advocate for this population and for people in general. At the age of 21 years old, I’ve managed to start my own scholarship foundation to promote academia and service to others in my hometown community just because I want to see people succeed and achieve their goals. It sounds cliché that I want to be a social worker because I have a passion to need and help people, but I want to go above and beyond that standard. I want to ultimately …show more content…

As a future social worker, I will do everything in my power to make sure each client is given that chance. The people that will be reaching out to me for assistance are undoubtedly vulnerable, and it’s my job to understand that they are inviting me into their life to help make changes. I truly understand the inherent value of every human life, regardless of religion, backgrounds, race, or ethnicity. Respect for others has been a value I have instilled since I was a child; however, I’ve seen others who have not been respected based upon their demographics, so joining the social work field allows me to give the vulnerable populations a voice. Consequently, one of the biggest challenges I will face as a social worker is difference of opinion. There will inevitably be situations where what I think is best for the client, and what they believe to be the best for themselves are not congruent. However, as a social worker we “promote clients’ socially responsible self-determination.” Therefore, they have the right to make their own choices and decisions. An aspect of being a social worker is that individual differences are going to be apparent, but it is my responsibility to give the utmost attention to those who are vulnerable, oppressed, or

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