Social Work Reflective Paper

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INTRODUCTION To provide effective social services, a social work graduate must possess a multitude of knowledge, skills and abilities. This will be a reflective paper on everything that I know for sure as a student of social work who is about to go into the world of work. Knowledge of Practice Theory, Models, and Methods Social workers should have a strong knowledge base comprising of information gathered from variety of empirically tested theories which allows them to effectively appreciate the nature of people’s problems. Theory is a vital component in social work practice that guides the way in which social workers view and approach their clients, at micro, mezzo and macro level. Theory helps predict, explain and assess situations and …show more content…

In social science, there are several paradigms, each with its own unique ontological and epistemological perspective. Examples of paradigms include positivism which focuses on objectivity, know ability, and deductive logic. Its assumption is that society can and should be studied empirically and scientifically (Ritzer, 2004). Critical paradigm’s main emphasis is on power, inequality, and social change. It is of the assumption that social science can never be truly value-free and should be conducted with the express goal of social change in mind (Calhoun, 2007). Social constructionism paradigm’ s main emphasis is that truth as varying, socially constructed, and ever-changing and is of the assumption that reality is created collectively and that social context and interaction frame our realities (Berger, 1966). Social workers should be able to define and describe main social work paradigms, philosophical and ideological approaches and appreciate their implications to practice, policy and research. Social workers should be also able to identify interrelations between social work paradigms, social policy and social …show more content…

Knowledge in law, statistics, economics, psychology, sociology just to name a few would then be applied in their work with their clients. Law is an important part of social work practice, it affords a framework which gives social workers powers to take suitable action in making important decisions and preventing anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice. There is also need for statistics when it comes to social work research. For example, statistics is needed for sampling, scaling techniques for reliability and validity and analysis and interpretation of data. Economics also affects social work practice in the sense that social workers are often at the forefront in combating poverty. Therefore, becoming economically literate will help them understand the economic forces that affect the quality of their clients’ lives. This will enable social workers to recognize and direct clients to a state that will enhance their financial stressors. Furthermore, social workers should be to identify physiological influences on people’s lives, taking into account how this informs practice by appreciating human development during their life

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