Social Problems In The Nuclear Family

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How effective is the nuclear family in reducing social and economic problems existing in other family structures? The nuclear family unit consists of a mother, father and their children living away from the rest of the extended family. The Industrial Revolution gave birth to this family structure when people moved closer to their workplaces with their immediate family. The Industrial Revolution was a time when new, modern ideas and things came about and a modern family structure is one of them. The nuclear family is small and close knit and this in itself reduces many social and economic problems in other family structures. Social problems in structures such as the extended family include the presence of conflicts because members think on …show more content…

My immediate family has four members, each of whom are very close to each other and complete the family. Our family has been pretty well off in terms of both finances and social conditions, but it does not mean that I’m not aware of the problems that exist in other households. Having cousins that live in extended families, I see the restrictions that are placed on them and I see how their life is dictated by their grandparents, aunts or uncles. There are several conflicts that exist as well and sometimes, my immediate family is also a part of those conflicts, but they don’t directly affect us in a bad way. The condition of girls in extended families is extremely poor as well as in the extended families, there are certain members who have a conservative mindset and don’t want these girls to step out of the boundaries of their house and do something different. One of my uncles, for example, didn’t want one of my cousins to go to college. The nuclear family, in this sense is very different. And perhaps, this is one of the best parts of living in a nuclear family: you feel empowered and independent. You make your own decisions and face your own consequences. And for every person, doing things that they want to do, is very important because it allows the individual to experiment, to be creative, to see for himself what the world is like, and to be cautious of things. Having another person dictate your life is suffocating. And even in single-parent families, members are bogged down by the society that dictates their lifestyle and choices and this is especially true in my country where single parents aren’t considered capable enough of handling their families alone. And the best way to solve such problems is by empowering these family structures. That will make family members of such structures feel good about them and will give them support. Economic support can prove

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