Social Norms

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Social norm is a way of dressing, talking, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. Most people in this world define themselves through their clothing, hairstyles, and experiences. Each person has a different behavior, which is due to the differences in traditions, cultures, education and experiences. The environment and social norms directly affect the person’s behavior. The way we behave is not right or wrong, but only what our society allows us to. In our society, we have a number of society norms that we accept. For example, the way we should behave in public, it is important for us to move away from strangers, and respect our elders. The family is one of the first avenues by which children begin to form their understanding of social norms. Parents are constantly teaching their children what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. All societies have norms, the expectations that guide the behavior of its members. Here in America we are expected to welcome others with a smile and a hand shake. For example, Lawyers and business men wear a suit and tie to work, for them to look professional. When someone sneezes they cover their mouth, it would be rude to use your phone during a funeral or in the church. If we were to break any of these rules, we would likely be considered weird or rude and we would probably feel embarrassed. Every day we make hundreds of thousands of choices and decisions while interacting with others, we do what is expected of us. I believe changing is possible. Each of us is responsible for ourselves. We can sit back and make excuses for our problems. However, we can also take responsibility for ourselves to see what changes are needed, then try to change it. For example, a person’s style of dress ma... ... middle of paper ... ...ety believes. The way that they dress people think that they are gangs and which is why they will fight these negative allegations and continue to show the world its true culture. Overall, clothes acts as a mirror of the person’s behavior. Clean, ironed good clothes shows a clean image of a person. Clothes change the behavior and make us act like what we wear. Expensive clothes gives feel of a rich guy, it makes us feel like a professional person. When people wore an expensive dress, they behave very elegantly and feel very rich in those clothes which changes their attitude and the way they talk. Clothes also keep an impression on the other persons. If a person wears old, dirty and worn out clothes it gives negative impression on the other hand wearing clean, ironed and good clothes possess a positive impression of that person especially during job interviews.

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