Social Mobility Essay

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Since the earliest of times, all sorts of groups of people have attempted to enhance their social status in society. This improvement or movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between social levels in a society is known as social mobility. Social mobility is something that everyone wants to achieve in their lifetime as most people believe through upward social mobility comes a more affluent and more stable life. Obtaining this upward movement and sustaining an individual’s maximum mobility can be achieved many ways, some of which include acquiring a higher education and just plain getting lucky. However, there are also many illusions around this concept that has been vastly publicized by the …show more content…

In the book “Sport in Society” by Jay Coakley, Mr. Coakley defines social mobility by stating, “Social mobility is regarded as changes in wealth, education and occupation over a person's lifetime or from one generation to the next” (Coakley 321). There are two types of social mobility, upward and downward. Upward mobility is when, any of the following; your wealth; your education; or your occupation improve, and downward mobility is when any of those items decreases or gets worse. Upward and downward mobility can occur to an individual at a moment’s notice, but you are more likely see these changes spread over an individual’s lifetime. Next, and probably the more difficult of the two terms to understand, is ideology. Ideology is defined as political beliefs or set of ideas that characterize a certain culture. Which in essence is, opinions generated over time about an individual or group based on the overall impression they get from them. Having a better understanding of these terms will assist in the identification of the myths behind the ideology of sports and their upward social

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