Social Media Over-Sexualization Among Teens

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Every day, millions of people are judged based on body type, followers, likes, and comments. Social media has imprisoned the hearts of young adults. Adolescents are held captive in a virtual prison, chained to the idea of presenting a false utopia. Instead of presenting this falsely idyllic life, young people should band together to remove social media from day-to-day life. Social media has increased suicides and depression among teens, it has decreased self-worth among teens, and it has promoted over-sexualization among teens. Social media directly correlates with increased rates of suicide and depression among teenagers. “In 2015, 36 percent of all teens reported feeling desperately sad or hopeless, or thinking about, planning or attempting …show more content…

“It is not news that homophobia remains a constant threat against LGBTQ people, including apps like Instagram” (Joe Putignano Huffington Post). Although it is true that this generation of teenagers is more accepting and open about sexuality, sexuailty has also been exposed on a more global scale making gay, lesbian, transgender, or bisexual teens more susceptible to cyber-bullying for being a member of the LGBT community. The efforts online to promote a safe environment to be open about sexuality are not always enough to protect teens from trolls online who prey on this community. Many people are reluctant to be themselves online due to this discrimination. Social media has also lead to an outbreak of promiscuous online behavior. This behavior can be linked to social media through the constant subliminal messages throughout accounts promoting this incredulous online behavior. The Kardashian sisters all have had a tremendous influence throughout different social platforms. Kim and Kylie are most famous for their provocative photo shoots and selfies featured on media sites such as Instagram and Snapchat. These supposed role models are teaching young girls that it is socially acceptable to portray themselves in this manner online. Teenagers often feel pressured to post pictures of themselves in this disgusting manner in order to feel accepted on social media. “I want to live in a world where mothers to show their daughters the way by loving themselves, stretch marks, sagging skin, muffin tops, flaws and all, every day, right now so they transmit that self-love from womb to tomb. If they don’t set an example, who will? I want all of us to say to girls, your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters. You don’t need to be checking Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook posts to see if you measure up. Instead,

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