Social Media Narcissism

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Generational differences in content generation in social media: The roles of the gratifications sought and of narcissism
A. Basic idea of the paper / research questions of the paper and the importance of the topic
This study examines “the roles of the gratifications sought and of narcissism in content generation in social media and explores the generational differences in motivations and in narcissistic personalities when predicting the usage of Facebook, blogs, and forums.” The generations analyzed are: Baby Boomers, Baby Bust or Generation X and Echo Boomer or Net Generation. The study gives a detailed explanation about all of them.

B. Theoretical rationale (theories / concepts used, empirical evidence given, ...)
The objectives of the study are:
- “To identify the gratifications sought in the production of UGC in social media (especially in Facebook, blogs, and forums).”
- “The contribution of narcissism to social media content generation”. It is hypothesized that “highly narcissistic subjects are likely to participate actively in social media content-generation.”
- “To investi...

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