Social Issues In The Lego Movie

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While many would assume that a children’s movie based on a children’s toy would be nearly devoid of depth or impactful meaning, nothing could be further from the truth when considering The Lego Movie. This film, released in 2014, features the story of a young Lego man, as ordinary as could be, on a quest to overthrow the tyranny of the evil Lord Business. While he’s at it, the Lego man, named Emmet, will begin to discover that the things that he thought made him ordinary are actually the very characteristics that are uniquely extraordinary. These themes may seem cliché and heavy handed, but when one watches the film seeking the bigger picture, the individual social issues that the film deals with begin to reveal themselves. From start to finish, the Lego Movie dives deep into prevalent issues and seeks to engage the modern cultural both politically …show more content…

In his attempt to dethrone the corruption of conformity in his hometown, Emmet and his team will utilize their individual gifts and abilities to take down Lord Business and set free the realm of Bricksburg. This is similar to a concept that Paul refers to in his letter to the Corinthians concerning the body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” (ESV) Emmet and, by extension, the central theme of the Lego Movie desires to communicate that the things that make individuals different from each other is what makes them important and valuable to society. Creativity and imagination, in this way, becomes the opposite of conformity. The Lego Movie clearly and innovatively communicates that individuals are not just identical cogs in a monotonous machine; rather they are unique and equally important pieces in an intricate

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