Social Inequality In America

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Social inequality is defined as the set of unequal opportunities for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. It usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages, and ethnicities. Many American’s have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their lifetime. America’s gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender, and other social characteristics . Americans believe that racial discrimination no longer hinders or affects the advancement of minorities. Racial and ethnic actions are still being taken towards minorities in education, employment, housing, arrests, and many other issues of society. Social …show more content…

America’s educational system remains separate and unequal. Students who live in affluent communities have advantages and resources in their favor, then minorities in the urban communities. Low-income students attend schools and institutions that are primarily minority, most of tend to be poorly funded and below those in suburban districts. Educational funding is going towards other issues such as the promotion of incarceration and the establishment of more jails, leaving students with barely any resources at all. Students in low and improvised communities are neglected and are receiving tools that are not useful. Students in suburban districts have certified,qualified and experienced teachers ,that are prepared to teach with motivation and academically prepare their students. They have modern facilities with updated technology, and textbooks. Students have a variety of choices such as elective courses, music, art , and extracurricular programs. They more qualified libraries, counselors for guidance and athletic fields. Affluent students in rich communities have higher rates and probabilities of high school graduation, college attendance and acceptance to prestigious universities. The Russel Sage Foundation in their article “Social Inequality and Educational Disadvantage” assert that “The educational disparities between rich and poor families and …show more content…

In the United States, this inequality is known as the gap between the rich and everyone else. Racial and gender wage gaps in the U.S. remain the same over the years. Wage gaps are growing nonstop due to discrimination. The contrast in pay between minorities are seen by education and experience as well as the fact that low-income workers are more noticed to be seen in urban areas. Even though men and women have differences in pay in current society, minorities still face large obstacles and disadvantages with differences in racial wage gaps. Racial inequality does not only discriminate race or ethnicity itself, but as well as gender. In many situations, such as workplaces, and business settings a person is not allowed to be disqualified as candidate, turn away a customer, or reject service to someone based on the perspective color of skin or other features, such as a foreign accent or ethnic style of dress, or race. Throughout their lifetime minorities have been discriminated for the fact of having traditional Hispanic or African American names when it comes to applying for a job. As Forbes describes in their article “The Other Pay Gap: Why Minorities are still Behind” women of color, specifically black women and Latinas, are discriminated against during the initial stage of hiring, just for having first names like Keisha

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