Social Emotional Development: Observation: Social-Emotional Development

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Observation Reflections Name: Ever Walsh Date: 11/19/17 Age: 3.11 Social-Emotional Development: There are a lot of areas where Ever has strong social and emotional skills, but there are also many needs. Ever is best at coming to an adult and seeking support when needed, particularly if he is hurt. He is outgoing and has a feisty temperament. He has a solid group of friends that he enjoys playing with, Evelyn, Reid, and Elliot, but he can play well with anyone. He enjoys constructive play and being hands on/sensory, but he also enjoys complex pretend play. He is full of ideas and is eager to share those with others. Ever is good at showing his emotions, but does not always communicating them properly. When Ever is frustrated, he uses physical means to communicate, particularly in the form of scratching, stomping/running around, and verbal refusal. When this occurs, teachers try their best to help him identify and name his emotions. They also help him to understand what his plan and goals are, and give him the means to obtain those in a socially acceptable …show more content…

He is independent when following routines for the most part. Any exception is when he is experiencing a conflict with another child or with an adult. He is curious and asks questions such as wanting to know more about what is happening in a book or why the outdoor drinking fountain is turned off during the winter. He takes initiative when interacting with others, for example asking a friend if he can play with them or if they want to play with him. When Ever is interested in a project or task, he maintains focus and engrosses himself in the activity. He will stay engaged until he has met his goal. Areas that Ever has not yet fully developed include showing appreciation for other’s work, and creative problem solving without guidance from an

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