Social Diversity And Diversity

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One problem that affected my family pretty deeply was diversity issues when they both started working in their careers. My mom and dad both started out in their careers working for Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). “The treatment of Native Americans, Asians, African Americans and Hispanics by California Anglos has been characterized by systematic and individual violence at worst, and consistent political, economic, and social discrimination at best” (DeBow, pg. 238) During the start of their careers, my mom and dad faced difficult challenges, a lot of racism and bullying. My mom would be bullied by her boss and I remember she would complain on a weekly basis of her boss treating her poorly and embarrassing her in front of other employees, until one day her boss moved on to another job. Meanwhile, my dad was bullied by other employees and was constantly being picked on, calling my dad with racial slurs and treating him with a hazing-like mentality. It was brutal, but they both persevered in a way I have never seen to this day. They stuck it out like true champions, but it was a time in their life where they really had only each other. My mom continued to stay, while my dad left for an even better job, thus with City and County. Diversity is still an issue today because I still hear from my dad that he witnesses diversity issues in the workplace.
Another problem that affected me was the public education system. “California’s schools performance range from mediocre at best, to downright horrible” (DeBow, pg. 245). The student/teacher ratio is eighth at 22.7 students per one teacher. Pretty hard to believe California is eighth, but okay. I have been a part of public schools all my life besides pre-school. Kindergarten t...

... middle of paper ... one another. ‘There is no doubt that homosexuals have been the object of discrimination, they were until recently a mostly hidden minority” (DeBow, pg. 242). So what I mean by being more loving is not having more sex, but acting out of love. Treat others the way you want to be treated. I do not mean to sound preachy or if I am coming off that way, it is just what I see and observe on a day to day basis. A good example is when a blind man was walking around the main campus at San Francisco State. No one gave him the time of day when he was asking for directions to the nearest bus to go down town. He asked a person a question and the guy said “I don’t know”. Maybe the guy did not know, but I doubt it. So whether gay, disabled, or whatever, just help a fellow person out. It goes a long way to improving society and also keeping the California dream alive.

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