Social Democracy - Pluralism

502 Words2 Pages

Social Democracy


By definition - A system of government that allows and encourages

public participation, particularly through the activities of pressure

groups seeking to influence the government.

Traditional socialism has always been associated with an analysis of

society that class differences are crucial, in particular the middle

classes - those who have gained to the working classes expense -

summarised, the two classes interests are in conflict. Social

democrats believe society is far more complex than a class interest

struggle, and this concept becomes outdated in a pluralist society - a

community of individuals and varied interests.

Traditional Socialism is arguably intolerant in its outlook with

1) A reluctance to accept that there may be other ways to achieve

socialist goals (equality of opportunity, welfare provision etc)

2) Assumptions that all people will benefit from these goals.

Social Democracy provides the prospect of choice - the right to choose

which services they wish to co...

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