Social Contracts In Canada Essay

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Canada was founded in 1867, laws have existed in our society. At the time, the vast majority of didn’t exist like how they today, and were rules known as what political philosopher Thomas Hobbes referred to as “Social Contracts”. Social Contracts can best be described as an acted-upon agreement among a society of individuals which is conceived with a goal of mutual benefit and regulation of ill-behavior. Social Contracts were never cut-in-stone rules, and were never structurally implemented in Canadas legal system at the time of her foundation. Many social contracts in Canadas history have evolved into laws today, and vice-versa. For example there were many actions heavily frowned upon by society in the early 1900s, however there was no ambiguous …show more content…

From work to at home, every person’s actions are influenced by law. If you walk past a storefront and come across a television you’d like to have, what stops you from just smashing the window and grabbing it in the modern day? Section 322 of the Canadian criminal code; a law. Even some of the most morally corrupt citizens follow the law in their daily lives because they understand the consequences that coincide with not doing so. An example of how law shapes our society would be the differences in workplaces over the past 100 …show more content…

Bills can either be created through the House of Commons or through the Senate, both of which are sections of parliament set to serve the Canadian people. The bill goes through what’s called the first reading, which takes place in the chamber the bill is introduced. The bill is simply considered read after this point, with no debate taking place. From here, the bill goes through the second reading where parliamentarians debate the precepts of the bill. If the chamber votes for the bill and it passes, it moves on to the committee stage. The committee members hold special hearings, and seek out advocacy from experts inside and outside of government. The committee can place amendments to the bill when it gives it back to the chamber. Here, then what’s called a third reading occurs where the bill gets debated again based on the changes that may have occurred from the committee. If it passes the third reading, it then goes to the other chamber, where the same process occurs. Once both chambers (Senate & House Of Commons) have passed the bill in the exact same structure and wording, it gets passed to the Governor General for final approval, and then becomes

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