Social Class Stereotypes Essay

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Do people from different social classes have negative stereotypes about one another?
An innocent child is born into a family that struggles in every aspect of life, and has to live a opposite lifestyle than a child who was brought up into a wealthy family. The child with a family that doesn’t have a lot of money doesn’t know about all the negative stereotypes coming their way when they get older. Maybe some children are blessed to live in an area where people don’t judge and they are not looking at each other differently based off of their social standing. There are many people out in the world today struggling and having to live day by day, maybe it's their choice or it’s not. People need to understand why certain people we …show more content…

Which causes others to walk around places thinking they’re living a better life than others, which is unexceptable. Many people might think this way because of the information stated in this journal,“A social world is a universe of presuppositions: the games and the stakes it proposes, the hierarchies and the preferences it imposes, in short the ensemble of tacit conditions of membership, what is taken for granted by those who belong to it and which is invested with value in the eyes of those who want to be of it, all of this rests at bottom upon the immediate agreement between the structures of the social world and the categories of perception”(Wacquant, Bourdieu, & Pierre, 2013: 298) . No matter what social class you are in, everyone should treat each other equally. Obviously, the higher class will be more prone to eating healthier because they are able to buy expensive organic foods. They can afford personal trainers and special supplements to maintain a substantial healthy …show more content…

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Have you ever had a negative stereotype about a person in a different SES group than you?
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