Social Class Sports

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Many factors determine an individual's preference and involvement in sports. Some of the factors include a person’s include a person’s social class, how much money they have and what their friends have been exposed to. People in the lower class tend not to choose sports where equipment in needed and that is easily accessible. There is basically no difference in the sports that the lower and middle classes play, however the middle class does have an opportunity to participate in more types of sports than the lower class, have better facilities and equipment and usually more instruction and organization. Examples of those sports that both classes participate in are running, soccer, wrestling, baseball, volleyball and basketball. For most lower class athletes, these sports are good because kids who play them sometimes hope of making it into professional sports or use sports as a way out of poverty. Some of those sports are also played in poorer countries. For the lower and middle class sports can also be a good way for kids to avoid becoming involved in drugs or other bad behaviors where there is a high crime rate. Also, athletes are looked up to by kids and may play a part in a kid wanting to do to better in life. …show more content…

Sports such as football and baseball fall between lower class and upper class values, meaning the lower class emphasizes toughness and the upper class on performance of those particular sports. In addition to their child have fun playing sports, most middle class parents also like having their children involved in sports because it makes their kid more well-rounded and hardworking. Also, playing sports for the middle class mean teamwork, determination and perseverance. So basically the middle class believes that by their kid playing sports it will help them in other areas of life and maybe move them up the social

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