Soccer Vs Lacrosse Compare And Contrast Essay

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Soccer and lacrosse are obviously two different sports , but in a way they are both very similar to each other. Similarly, they both use a ball for their main part of the game.They use the ball to bring it down the field and a try to score on the opposing team. Another similarity is that they both have goalkeepers to help protect the ball from not going in on the team's side. They both stand in their goal box and they are able to bring it down field if they want. In addition, they use nets on the back of the goalkeepers with bars that show how big the goal is and so the ball doesn't fly out of the field when the team scores.Another example of a similarity between soccer and lacrosse is that they both involve a lot of running. For both sports midfield is the position where you have to run …show more content…

They both run over 4 miles every game they play. As you can see, since they run a lot they would probably have to use a lot of skill to keep up the running as they go. They both use very complicated skills in order to get [past the defensive team and to be able to score. In conclusion, Soccer and lacrosse are actually very similar to each other and probably the most similar over any sport you can think of.

Since soccer and lacrosse are very similar they are obviously very different in many ways. One example of a difference between soccer and lacrosse is that soccer uses more of their feet to kick the ball a lot more and to shoot the ball a lot. Lacrosse has to use a stick to pick up the ball and bring it down field to score and they can kick the ball but it's only to help you pick up they ball and you can't use it to score a goal. In addition to scoring a goal, soccer has a big goal to shoot and score since the ball is pretty big and you have to use your feet to score over lacrosse that has a small one to be able to score as the ball is very small and it would be easy to score if you had a soccer goal for lacrosse. Another example is that in soccer any player is

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