Soccer Rivalry In The Film Gringos At The Gate

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Throughout the history of Latin America, the dispute between Mexico and the United States became more apparent once Mexico declared its independence from Spain in 1821. The core issue for the first clash that resulted in the rivalries of the two countries was migration. In 1830, Mexico prohibited immigration to Texas from the United States in an effort to stem the influx of English-speaking settlers. Once the United States took control of Texas in 1845, Mexico broke diplomatic relations with the United States. As a result, for over two centuries and one war, Mexico became second best to its neighbor. However, there was one exception to this and it was shown in one specific arena. The one place where Mexico could really dominate over the United States was in fútbol, or otherwise known as soccer. Suddenly, in the twenty-first century, the balance of soccer power began to shift in favor of the United States which led to the birth of a true soccer rivalry. Nevertheless, the conflict between these two vastly different worlds can be trace back to history of Latin America. To begin, the documentary Gringos at the Gate traces the origins of the …show more content…

The story was compelling since it showed the perspective from both sides being told from the soccer players, the fans, coaches, sports writers, and anyone who could add any historical perspective. Despite the film being about soccer, the meaning is much deeper in a sense that it actually sends a message to the audience about the history between the two cultures from the Monroe Doctrine to the Mexican-American War and finally to where Mexico is now with the United States. Furthermore, not only can this film relate to Mexico, but it can also relate to other countries in Latin America because throughout the years, North and South America have always been intertwined in all aspects of political, economic, and social

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