Snyder V Phelps Case Summary

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The Snyder v. Phelps et al Supreme court case in 2011 was one of the most controversial cases in United States Supreme court history. Fred Phelps, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, took his followers to picket the Snyder’s son. Snyder’s son, Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, was killed in action. The Westboro Baptist Church came holding up signs stating such things as, “Thanks God For 9/11”, or “Thank God for Dead Soldiers”. After seeing these signs, the grieving family attempted to take them to court, hoping to silence them. Originally Snyder won, until through multiple appeals the case eventually found its way in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court eventually ruled in favor of Phelps 8-1. Fred Phelps had founded the Church during 1955 in Topeka, Kansas. The church is mostly made up family members of Fred Phelps. The Westboro Baptist Church was founded on the belief that America is doomed and God hates America. They believe this is due to America’s leniency on homosexuality in the country. They attempt to spread this message by picketing funerals, mainly those soldiers killed in action. Since their founding, they have picketed approximately 600 funerals across the country. Matthew Snyder was killed in Iraq. His family planned a funeral through a local Catholic church in their hometown of …show more content…

The police gave them a spot to picket and instructions to follow during their protest. Throughout the protest their was no profanity or violence used by the church. The Church followed the instructions they were given and stayed at all times at least 1,000 feet away from where the funeral was being held, as instructed by the police. The funeral procession did however at one point pass 200 to 300 feet away from where the picketing took place. Snyder was able to see the tops of the signs, but could not read what they had

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