Snowpiercer Reflection

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I turned on my laptop one hot September, and as I decided to re-watch Snowpiercer, then a thought occurred to me about what happens when a huge disaster comes to drain most of humanity population to short numbers. Sadly, Snowpiercer takes my thought into a reality that I can 't stop from keeping my eyes from being glued to my screen. Knowing very well what the movie has in store for the viewer and, yet I knew I was going for another roller coaster ride that would make me question humanity since of justice. Snowpiercer, wild roller coaster ride takes use to a place ware humanity has almost become extinct. The only thing keeping them from total extinction is a train and its social standers in living difference. Sadly, Snowpiercer does not stop Before, this black jello protein bar was giving to the lower class they lived a month with out any source of food be sides them selfs. So many converted to cannibalism since the hunger was so bad all because Wilford (ED Harris)did not include them in his grand plan of survival. The other thing that Wilford (Ed Harris) forgot to do for the lower class was give them an approbate living conditions; instead, they are force to live in a very tight short space area where this is no such privacy can behave. Another thing they have that the higher class does not have to live with is having to live filth rather then enjoying the juice 's of life. At this point I ask my self why Wilford (Ed Harris) did not think about his lower classes citizen on board his train. Maybe, just maybe because they did not buy a ticket? To add insult to injury the lower class gets not just mistreated but humiliate for any kind of rebellion action they show towards the upper class. For example, someone from the higher class came looking for children of a particular size. Sadly, the higher class finds two children of the size they need and just take them by force. One of the children 's parents takes his shoe of and threw it at a lady that seem to be a very important person. As a consequences Andrew (Ewen Bremner) the father Although, the higher class submits they now must obey the demands of the lower class. However, know that the lower class has gain some motivation they feel like Wilford (Ed Harris) has to take their living conditions into hand. However, as you keep watching you start to notice the tone of the leader of the lower class change. Curtis (Chris Evans) is the main man in charge of the lower so when you start to notice his tone from redemption to revenge you start to question how far will he go for it. Their a point in the film where Curtis (Chris Evans) is offered the position of train

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