Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Theme

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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a fascinating poem full of bravery, fellowship, and humor. Set in medieval England after the attack on Troy the story opens to a scene of merrymaking and feasting. It was New Year’s Eve in Camelot, and Sir Gawain sat among the knights, and there is no denying he is one of the bravest there. His bravery is continually proved throughout his adventures. One of the major themes of this story is the passage to maturity of the hero, Sir Gawain. The first test arrives in the form of the Green Knight, barging in, partway through the festivities. The Green Knight has come far to see the Knights of King Arthur’s court. He had heard of their superiority, and came not to fight, but to offer a challenge. Denying Arthur’s …show more content…

After traveling alone for days, it was Christmas Eve. Sir Gawain prayed that he might find a place to attend mass on Christmas, no sooner than he finished his prayer, he came across a castle. Thanking Jesus for this miracle, he proceeded to the castle. He was welcomed by the master of the house, Bertilak, and his wife, Lady Bertilak. A hard-working man, Bertilak gladly promised all he had or gained during his stay would be just as much Gawain’s as his own, and Gawain promised the same. The lady visited Sir Gawain in his bedchamber each day to give him kisses, and each day he gave those kisses in turn to his host. Close to the end of his stay she made an attempt to seduce him. This was an issue as it is chivalric code to always please the lady of the house you are staying in. Sir Gawain refused, he also declined her wedding ring, telling her he wanted nothing from her. His resolution was lost, however, when she offered her belt. She said it would save him when he met the Green Knight. He failed in three ways that day. Firstly, when his love of life won over his bravery, then when his faith in objects won over his faith in God, and thirdly, his lack of honesty to his host when he failed mention this last “gift” from Lady

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