Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Research Paper

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It is common to think that civilization has tamed the natural world and that we are the stronger force. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight effectively challenges this assumption. My position is that the natural world in Gawain and the Green Knight is a chaotic challenging force. To clarify this statement I will first explain how the Green Knight symbolizes the natural world. Following this, I explain the Green Knights tests. Subsequently, I will explain Bertilak's and his wife's challenges. Finally, I will discuss the effect these tests have on Gawain and his code of ethics. (Green Knight) Nature is personified in the antagonist the Green Knight. Every inch of the Green Knight is green and he resides in the wilderness. The green skin is odd …show more content…

By this, the Green Knight is successful in showing the delusions of Authors men that they are masters of their domain. Gawain is unable to avoid the progression of the season and his growing fears that are slowly eating away his honor. Sir Gawain's journey and perspective, align itself with the changing of the seasons. To see this, compare the descriptions of the seasons and Gawain's outlook on his journey after his encounter with the Green Knight. This is parallel with the transition seasons from winter to spring, described as, "The world's fresh weather fights with winter...Over the flatlands; flowers poke up..." (20) As nature battles the winter, Sir Gawain battles and suppresses his fear of his covenant. He does this with a strong desire for adventure, effectively giving a sense of motivation to defend his honor. However, as seasons feud goes on, his perspective shifts as winter draws nearer. "In the huge heavens, winds wrestle with the sun...Whatever rose up earlier now ripens and rots; The year dwindles, all days seem yesterday..." (21) As winter gets momentum to overtake nature, Gawain's hopefulness erodes to a gloomy outlook. He naturally fears for his life, but he continuously tries to subdue his anxiety this with chivalry. The passing of the seasons is relentless and never stops creeping up on him making the suppression of fear impossible. Sir Gawain and nature experience a similar

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